Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus Price & Specifications

- Are you currently are targeting smartphone Samsung Galaxy? Do not rush the choice, the article has now come the latest gadgets anymore immigrants who reportedly able to fill the gap between the Samsung S II and Galaxy Galaxy Ace.
Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus
Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus

Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus has also been equipped with single-core processor technology and 1.4GHz speed-based Android operating system 2.3 (Gingerbread). His name is Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus.
As a bearer Android smartphone, the Samsung is worth pointed thumb. But that does not mean by that, a Korean manufacturer of telecommunications equipment is then satisfied with what has been achieved. To continue to increase prestige, there must continue to innovate new Dihadirkannya, and now turn "Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus" is present in the arena of competition Android smartphone.
Unlike earlier generations of Samsung's S Galaxy, Galaxy S Plus Samsung I9001 is wrapped with a metallic body in the back. Smartphone this one also has similarities with the Galaxy S II Mini, which is already integrated with the road map O2. Armed with 4 inch screen SuperAMOLED and 5 Megapixel camera that can record HD video and 1650 mAh battery it feels quite qualified for Samsung Galaxy class tab. Slightly different from the Samsung Galaxy II Mini S is the size of screen is only 3.7 inches.
There are reportedly rumors circulating again Samsung Galaxy S Plus (another name for Samsung Galaxy S 2011 Edition in Russia) are ready dibandrol the price range of about 840 USD (about 7.6 million dollars). Regarding the more detailed specification more likely that the new will be informed on the expected launch in April 2011, which will start from the Russian state.
When you see the specifications shown, originally Galaxy S Plus will fill gaps in its product portfolio in 2011, ie between S II and Galaxy Galaxy Ace.
As we all know, Samsung is very enthusiastic in producing a phenomenal Android smartphone. But, it turns out not just for the image, where the Korean manufacturer was eager to become the world's number one handset manufacturer. That is why Samsung offers I9001 Galaxy Plus, to come into play in the market.
Only, we are not sure whether this is â € ~ shape of the Galaxy lainâ € ™ S II Mini which had reported some time ago, considering the similar product specifications. Galaxy S Plus will disemati SuperAMOLED screen, 5 MP camera capable of recording HD video. Also, battery 1650 mAh. Interestingly again, to design the Samsung Galaxy S Plus will apply the metal rear cover. Hmm .. solid.
Cuma, display Galaxy S Plus apparently 4 inches, while the Galaxy II Mini S just 3,, 7 inches. Rumored, the phone will slide in next April, which was rumored a similar schedule S Galaxy II Mini.
The estimated "price of Samsung Galaxy S Plus" is mentioned around $ 840 or USD 7.4 million-an. Quite decent for the latest smartphone is not it? Via beritateknologi.com & tabloidpulsa.co.id

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